We have added this dedicated section to our Resource Centre in order to pull together as much useful information as we can regarding the UK's exit from the EU. It will be regularly updated, staying on top of developments in this fast-moving situation and offering advice on the best way to future-proof your imports and exports.
If you would like to discuss how Brexit could affect your business, we can look at your current arrangements, discuss possible impacts and advise the best way to move forward. Please contact us to discuss further.

RISA Articles
Click on the links below to read our Brexit overview and updates. Shorter updates and news are posted on LinkedIn:
No deal Brexit - an overview - posted 03/01/19
Brexit Update - posted 08/01/19
Brexit Update - posted 28/01/19
Brexit Update - posted 07/02/19
Brexit Update - posted 19/02/19

External Sources of Information
Many organisations are putting together advice for importers and exporters to try and help them navigate Brexit whether there is a deal or no deal. We have collated what we consider the most useful of all this information below and will continue to add to it as things move forward:
EU Exit Guidance for your Business - GOV.UK
Preparing for No Deal - imports - GOV.UK
Preparing for No Deal - exports - GOV.UK
Preparing for border changes in the event of No Deal - GOV.UK
Customs, excise and VAT changes in the event of No Deal - GOV.UK
A video guide to no deal for importers - HMRC
Trade Tariff Commodity Code Search - GOV.UK
Registering for Transitional Simplified Procedures - GOV.UK